Friday, April 24, 2009

Hehr International develops employee skills through work with Plymouth Adult Basic Education.

When Hehr International needed to train their employees on running reports, operating computer programs, language and communication, the Plymouth Adult Basic Education was ready to meet the challenge.

“Part of what we do is go in and listen to what a business really needs for its employees and then quickly custom-design a plan to make it happen,” Lora Janssen, Workforce Development Facilitator said.

General Manager of HEHR Industries, George Aboukhaled said “It’s vital to enhance our knowledge on a consistent basis. This program will allow individuals to grow in our community & this program will certainly assist in this regard. HEHR was fortunate to participate in the program.”

"Phil Scott made learning interesting and exciting. I was impressed with how easy it was for me to catch on. Microsoft, Excel, and Powerpoint will definitely benefit me at my job and also down the road. Many thanks", shared student, Sherry Vaca, employee from HEHR.

Janssen said representatives from Plymouth Adult Basic Education are always ready to meet with businesses, listen to what they are seeking in the area of basic skills development, and find the means to make it happen.

“Whether your employees need to brush up on their reading and writing skills, or just improve their interpersonal communication in the workplace, we’re always here to help,” Janssen said. “Just give us a call and we’ll be happy to come out and meet with you and develop a program that fits your time schedule and your budget.”

If your company would benefit by sending your employees to our Adult Education program, or if you would like flyers, please contact Deb Sherwood at the Service Center, 701 Berkley St., Plymouth at 574-936-7268 or email